January 15, 2011

New Year, New Life

And so, it is 2011. Whoa.

I think the biggest thing I've been thinking about is the end of college. Seriously, WHERE did the time go?!

A lot of things will be happening in the next 9 months. A LOT.

1. I have decided to move to New York!

It's pretty scary, but really exciting at the same time, especially since I'm going by myself. I think it will be such a great thing to go alone, to be honest. It will be like going to Ronda all over again, without the language barrier, and lots more people! Also, I have come to the realization that I probably won't be living in Manhattan, which I'm fine with actually. Yeah, it super glamorous and there's tons to do, but it is SO expensive. I've been looking at sublets and room shares, but the idea of living with someone I don't know is kind of scary. I really lucked out with my roommates from college, but going to a city of 15 million people and trying to find a roommate is a completely different story. And I really want to have a dog.

So, en fin, I am looking in other boroughs like Brooklyn and Queens. They are way cheaper, and I think I'd like a place to escape to so that I can go into the city once in awhile, and live in a place that's not constantly surrounded by throngs of tourists. It will be more like having a "home" rather than "an apartment in the city".

The other thing that's so hard about finding a place to live, right now at least, is that I can't be there physically. I can't see the apartments I've been checking out, or the areas they are in, and obviously I want to be sure I'm going to be in a safe place so I don't have to carry a shank around.

2. I will be graduating in like... 4 months. With a bachelor's degree. THAT IS INSANITY. I'll have to get a grown up job. Sad face. It will have its perks, but finding a grown up job is so daunting. I've been looking at lists of New York hospitals to see where I want to apply, and they are miles long! I don't even know where to begin looking! And to top it all off, being a new grad and trying to get a job sucks for everyone, but looking at job postings, they all want "at least a year of experience". Riddle me this, hospital: how am I supposed to have experience when no one will give me experience?! So frustrating.

3. Boards. Oh dear. Thinking about boards gives me a stomach ache. I hate standardized exams to begin with, but to take one that decides the rest of your life is like... 1390817320498x scarier. I've already started studying, so hopefully little by little I'll be able to know enough and review enough that I will pass with flying colors the first time.

4. Animals: recently (again) I have become dog-crazed. I am constantly frequenting craigslist and petfinder looking for animals. I tried adopting an animal last summer, and it didn't work out. I was so heartbroken that I couldn't keep little Winnie. My schedule was still pretty irregular, and it really is like having a child. I just wasn't ready I don't think. Living in New York, though, probably alone, I will definitely want a doggie to be there when I come home, wagging their little tail and happy to see me. SO MUCH BETTER THAN A BOYFRIEND.

5. Training. Dear LORD there is a long process for getting a NY License. Just reading about all the crap I have to do gives me a headache, but it will definitely be worth it in the end. First, I have to apply and send them some money, and then I have to do all the training. And all this has to be done before I can even apply for a job. I feel like I'm in a video game and time is running out. I know in my head that it's not, but it's so overwhelming.

Life's going to be a bit tumultuous and scary for a bit, but it's nothing I can't handle. It will just require a lot of planning and praying and wishing on lucky stars that everything works out. Also, I will be having the most kick-ass farewell party EVER, so you better show up.


Unknown said...

That's soo awesome that you are going to move to NYC, my life dream!! I have family that live both in the city and on long island, if you need any help or want to know about an area just let me know. New Jersey is really cheap too.

I once met a girl named Maria said...

Thanks so much Allie! I may take you up on that since I'll probably be needing a couch to crash on for a couple of weeks so I can find a job and an apartment. Everyone is being so helpful! It's so great!

John Rice said...

I would immediately suggest Brooklyn. If I was to return for work, I'd stay there. Williamsburg is one of the most happenen places at the moment, and it's right across the river on the L train. That comes with it's drawbacks though. The train is insane in the morning the closer it gets to Manhattan through the Brooklyn neighborhoods, and Williamsburg (right before crossing to Manhattan) is almost as expensive as Manhattan--but not quite. Some of the neighborhoods not too far east of that are pretty nice. I know some people in Prospect Heights and Clinton Hill and they seem to like it alright. They have trains close to them too, but they run up through the south end of the island and that can be a longer ride if you don't work all the way down there. In all reality, it has a lot to do with where you find work. The trains are quick, but it can be deceiving how long it will really take door to door if you work way north and you live south in brooklyn. Anyway, congrats on your big move, and if you ever want to chat more just give me a holla. I'm in Denmark at the moment, but I can arrange to chat on facebook or skype or whatever if you have more questions. I can also run any job opportunities/living arrangements passed some friends to see what they think of the area. I'm sure there are even some hospitals that you'd be best to avoid, and I know there are neighborhoods that you need not be a part of. :)

Good luck!

johnrice@ksu.edu <--use that email, not facebooks.