May 8, 2008

some things

some things have happened over the past few weeks that made me judge my own character. unfortunately, there is nothing i can do to take back what i did, but it gave me an entirely new perspective, and i can truly say that i will not judge anyone ever again. 

it's so crazy how life changes. you grow up in a seemingly perfect world where your parents protect you from life's harms. you're naive, and think that no one has cruel intentions, or that no one will hurt you. then you leave the nest. you're flying on your own, and things happen. mostly good things, but bad things as well. and you don't know how to deal with them. you can't talk about it because then people will judge you. how do i know? because i would judge me if i was told. so you go through the darkness alone to avoid humiliation and hurt, all the while hurting yourself more, not taking the pain away. so, so strange how life works.

and then there are good people. kind people. who lose things that they don't deserve to lose. a mother who loves her child until the day she dies at three months of age, or a teenager who is raped and loses her innocence too soon, or a man who goes to the ER with a headache and his children go home without a father. 

i have faith. i believe in God. but i have a hard time wrapping my mind around free will. it's mostly a good thing, but when these instances (i like to call them free radicals) happen, you can't help but to think, "why doesn't this Higher Power, God, prevent these things?". we are always looking for something or someone to blame. and i've come to the harsh realization that shit happens. sometimes we don't know how or why, and most times it's extremely painful, but there's nothing we could have done to prevent it, or everything was done to salvage what was left of a terrible situation. life is hard. every day is a struggle to survive for someone. we just have to appreciate everything we have with all our being.

hug tighter
kiss longer
laugh harder
smile more
let the little things go
tell them you love them

because in the end, all we have is who we love.


Kingshuk said...

its is so true..very thought provoking blog..very nice

Runar Nygaard said...

Hi! I wonder, how did you get a background image?