May 10, 2008

i've been thinking this for awhile...

Every time I go to the library to study, I can't help but have things other than my work running through my head. I think of all the poor kids around the world who can't afford an education but want to learn so desperately. I think of all the kids who are currently in school, who skip class and blow it off like an education is not important. And then I think of celebrities, most of whom didn't attend college, or even finish high school. I'm not saying that this applies to every one of them because it doesn't, but I don't think it's fair that these beautiful people who America adores can make millions of dollars without having an advanced education.

I'm in college. I study hard. I try my best to keep my GPA around a 3.5, and every time I go to the library, I can't help but think to myself, "I'm more educated than most celebrities right now, and I won't ever make as much money as they do." It is unfair. The system is flawed. I think that they should be compensated for the work that they do, and no one is denying that they have incredible artistic talent, but millions of dollars? And for what? So they can go buy their Yorkie a cashmere sweater? That's the most frustrating part of the whole thing: they generally don't use their money for anything but the newest gadgets or the best clothes. It's sad to see so many teenagers idolize people who aren't educated. All it does is give them unrealistic expectations about life. Unfortunate, but so, so true.


Cait said...

You do have a point..but I'm sure you make the better choices and you're happier in the long run.

cady said...

You're right, and it is sad . . . I said something very much like that to my mom last week.

ellie said...

thanks for your comment. you have such a unique blog. keep writing.

Neha said...

You do have a point, but I guess in this glamour crazy and blind idolizing world, it is a little difficult to rationalize things!